Opportunity Series: Short articles we do that go beyond legal transcription generally. The reason we feel this is important to lay out for you is so that you open your mind and your opportunities to take what you have learned and prepared to do in the legal realm and increase your reach, your marketability as a transcriptionist, and of course to increase your income.

Everyone knows and understands how our fast-paced, technologically-saturated world can be overwhelming at times. This also means that people generally don’t have the time to sit and watch a podcast in its entirety, sometimes regardless of its length and despite a high level of interest in the topic. And of course there is the learning retention advantage we discussed in our Educational & Academic Transcription post.

While there are some savvy website operators and podcasters out there who know exactly how to utilize transcription to their marketing advantage, there are still many, many others who do not. The reality is simply this: one can increase their web content, increase their website traffic, turn their content into a free or create an e-book or guide they can sell, they will undoubtedly add value to their podcast, and most importantly they will be making your content readable by search engines, which is critical for search engine optimization and improving the search ranking of their website.

While we completely understand the concept of producers of podcasts and webcasts wanting their audience to visit and listen to their podcasts, there are people out there who may have certain limitations that would prevent them from hearing their podcasts and webcasts. In those cases, and even where someone would much rather read the transcript of your podcast or webcast on a long airline flight or as a passenger in a car or on a train, reading has always been and will continue to be fundamental.

Your pitch is simple – you will help them improve the reach of their content; increase the potential for their audience. Podcast transcription and webcast transcription is an easy and affordable way to do this that will pay them back in the search engine benefits alone.

When the bots, crawlers, and spiders and whatever other gremlins are visiting your website, they’re not going to “sit there and listen” to a podcast. They’re hungry for something to read and that’s where a transcription of podcast contents come up huge for a website.

How can you help to increase their client’s audience? Well, hearing-impaired people cannot hear your podcast, but they might love to read your content.

How about people who are not fluent in spoken English, but can read it reasonably well? They may find it far easier to read the transcript of the podcast and understand it.

Many times we’re strapped for time (and attention-spans) and with podcasts it’s not unusual for a producer or host to speak rapidly.

We believe a documented transcript of the content will bring consumers to websites and make it much easier to become a loyal follower of all the podcasters have to offer.

Finally, with the proliferation of handheld devices, such as e-readers, Kindles, cell phones, iPhones & iPads, tablets and Nooks and whatever else is coming out, chock-full of applications at light-speed, rest assured you that the masses are not giving up on the written word. It’s a medium that has been around for all time and will continue to be for eternity. And as good as technology can be, people still experience lags, drop-offs, and other such technological anomalies that make the documented podcast transcript an invaluable tool for many organizations, websites, and other businesses.

Do you have a podcast that you love? Are they accompanied by captions in the video or a transcript in the body of the blog post? If they don’t… there might be your very first opportunity to expand your transcription opportunities and increase your income.

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