Opportunity Series: Short articles we do that go beyond legal transcription generally. The reason we feel this is important to lay out for you is so that you open your mind and your opportunities to take what you have learned and prepared to do in the legal realm and increase your reach, your marketability as a transcriptionist, and of course to increase your income.

Today we discuss educational transcription, academic transcription, and instructional transcription. Your clients could include colleges & universities, students, professors, instructors, business and corporate trainers, researchers and innumerable educational departments. The style of such transcripts may include any or all of:

– Interview transcription

– Conference transcription

– Lectures & presentation transcripts, speeches

– Elementary school online video book reading or other instructional materials

– Essentially transcription of any recorded words for any academic project

Believe it, we have done tasks as simple as transcribing a professor’s lecture for individual students to utilize as a study guide. We’ve transcribed online video lectures which thereafter becomes the transcript, the text of the post in which the video is embedded. These include both from professors as well as video presentation projects by students.

We also know that for many people who are diligent in the ways of study, reading the written word is far more favorable to retention of information that sitting in front of a computer screen watching and listening to a video. Having the ability to highlight and/or take notes directly from a transcript reinforces the lessons in the student’s mind and further enhances their ability to succeed.

Do you know a group of students at your local colleges and universities? Talk to them about your ideas. Do you have any contacts, professors, department heads, et cetera? You can help them to reduce costs, save time, and they can focus their efforts on the critical work; teaching, research, and writing. And if you do not have these contacts, reach out and find them! This is often an overlooked opportunity for transcribers to supplement the income they’re earning from legal transcription and grow your business.

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