The short answer, is yes, you can work from home as a legal transcriber. Almost 70% of people doing legal transcription work from home as independent contractors. The key is as independent contractors. Very few legal transcribers work a normal “job” even...
When looking at career options it is important to think about the long term viability of the position as well as the employment opportunities. Transcription has been around for thousands of years if you think about it in it’s simplest forms, dictation and...
Your income as a legal transcriber will depend on if you are employee or an independent contractor, if you earn by the hour, page or minute, and your rates if you set them yourself. Here are a few ideas on how you can earn the most money doing legal transcription....
Many people are interested in becoming a legal transcriber because of the freedom of working from home and creating your own schedule. Of course, doing this also means you are probably working for yourself and so will need to invest in training and equipment. Training...
Legal transcribers can work for many types of companies, and positions can either be work from home, ie telecommuting, or in an office setting. Let’s discuss all of the employment opportunities that are available for legal transcribers. Courts Each state handles...
In the legal arena there are different types of transcribers that act in different functional roles, and then there are court reporters that can also transcribe their own transcripts. So to put it in laymans terms, a court reporter is kind of a transcriber that does...